"Intellectual distinction is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for election to a Rhodes Scholarship. Selection committees are charged to seek excellence in qualities of mind and in qualities of person which, in combination, offer the promise of effective service to the world in the decades ahead. The Rhodes Scholarships, in short, are investments in individuals rather than in project proposals..."

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Excellent video: "Changing Education Paradigms"

UPDATED:  I removed the video from my blog.  When you view it via Youtube as I had originally posted it, there are "suggested videos" that appear on the screen afterwards.  One is bothersome.  So I have replaced the video with a link.  The video is directly on TED.com, so no offensive recommendations come after it.  I apologize.  I have no control over the recommendations made by Youtube.

Have you ever heard of TED.com?  TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design.

It has grown and now there are 900 on-line presentations that are fascinating!  For example, my first visit to TED was based on a Google search about math and origami.  Up came a great video by Robert Lang looking at a new approach to origami that is rocking the Science world with new solutions to big problems.  And then, as usual, I went down rabbit holes and came up with other treasures, like this:

Sir Ken Robinson - Changing Education Paradigms - Totally worth 12 minutes of your time

Not only is he right, but my question for you is:  Should we go back to our agarian methods of education or something totally new?  I think it is a combination of both.  We need to step off the conveyor belt and rethink our approach.  Ah, the beauty of homeschooling is that we are not stuck on their conveyor belt.  But how has your conveyor belt education hampered your job of educating your children?

And - the presentation style is absolutely fascinating!  I wish I could do a presentation like that...I would have to work on my drawing skills!

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